Network Technician Program

October 29, 2020
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
How soon could job seekers start?
November 16
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In a world dependent on communication via computer networks, Network Technicians play a vital role. They install, maintain, and troubleshoot Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs) and data communication equipment. The Network Technician’s job also includes testing and configuring operating systems, repairing hardware, performing preventive maintenance and applying security measures to ensure that customer needs are met. As communication and collaboration across networks continues to grow, companies rely on network technicians to support the critical business applications that keep their organizations running effectively.

The Network Technician Role is a program in the Technical Support Pathway.

Alternate Job Titles: Operations Center Technician, Network Communications Technician, Computer Technician, IT Infrastructure Technician

4 Courses:

Foundations in Information Technology
Client and Server Technician Fundamentals
Network Installation, Security and
Business Skills Workshops

5 Certifications:

CompTIA IT Fundamentals+
CompTIA A+
Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows Server
Administration Fundamentals
Microsoft Technology Associate: Security
CompTIA Network+

1 Project

Students will install and troubleshoot a small enterprise branch network using Cisco simulation software
with a Windows server virtualization.


Technology Experience Gained

  • Operating systems, Anti-malware software, Productivity software, Browser software, Backup software, Wireless router/switch, Printers, Antivirus software, Virtualization software, Software drivers, Windows, Mac, Linux, Monitors, Projectors, Access points, Surge suppressor, UPS Windows Server, Virtualization, Windows System Center, External storage, Mobile devices
Only registered members can apply for jobs.

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